a competition of environmental projects
Eco-marathon Caring for the Homerland
Applications will be accepted from 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th grade students of Karaganda region, Ulytau region, Shu district of Zhambyl region in Kazakh, Russian, and English languages ​​from September 30 to November 15
a competition of environmental projects
Eco-marathon "Caring for the Homerland"
Applications will be accepted from 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th grade students of Karaganda region, Ulytau region, Shu district of Zhambyl region in Kazakh, Russian, and English languages ​​from September 30 to November 15

Kazakhmys Corporation LLP is a leading domestic company in the mining and metallurgical complex for the extraction, processing and production of copper in Kazakhstan

The company actively joins the UN global initiative for sustainable development until 2030 and implements its principles in its work

Within the framework of this initiative and the five pillars of the sustainable development and ESG strategy, six sustainable development goals are especially important for Kazakhmys, including the fight against climate change

Kazakhmys Corporation LLP is a leading domestic company in the mining and metallurgical complex for the extraction, processing and production of copper in Kazakhstan

The company actively joins the UN global initiative for sustainable development until 2030 and implements its principles in its work

Within the framework of this initiative and the five pillars of the sustainable development and ESG strategy, six sustainable development goals are especially important for Kazakhmys, including the fight against climate change

"Public Foundation "Charitable Foundation "The Ulytau Educational Foundation" was founded in 2021. The foundation carries out comprehensive work to improve the quality of education in the regions where Kazakhmys Corporation LLP is present

The "Ustaz Ulytau" Pedagogical Transformation Center project includes 2 colleges of Kazakhmys Corporation LLP and 85 schools from the Karaganda region, Ulytau region and Shu district of the Zhambyl region

The foundation has extensive experience working with various educational projects, olympiads and competitions

"Public Foundation "Charitable Foundation "The Ulytau Educational Foundation" was founded in 2021. The foundation carries out comprehensive work to improve the quality of education in the regions where Kazakhmys Corporation LLP is present

The "Ustaz Ulytau" Pedagogical Transformation Center project includes 2 colleges of Kazakhmys Corporation LLP and 85 schools from the Karaganda region, Ulytau region and Shu district of the Zhambyl region

The foundation has extensive experience working with various educational projects, olympiads and competitions

September 30 - November 15
acceptance of applications
November 16 - November 30
work of the jury
December 2 - December 18
awarding of winners
September 30 - November 15
acceptance of applications
November 16 - November 30
work of the jury
December 2 - December 18
awarding of winners

Goals of the competition:

  • Stimulation of research and educational activities of schoolchildren in the region
  • Increasing public awareness of the importance of ecology and environmental protection
  • To identify and support talented students in the region who have high research ability and are interested in environmental issues
  • To contribute to the formation of the intellectual potential of the younger generations of the region and the Republic of Kazakhstan

Goals of the competition:

  • Stimulation of research and educational activities of schoolchildren in the region
  • Increasing public awareness of the importance of ecology and environmental protection
  • To identify and support talented students in the region who have high research ability and are interested in environmental issues
  • To contribute to the formation of the intellectual potential of the younger generations of the region and the Republic of Kazakhstan

Composition of the jury
  • Sarkyt Usenova
    Chief specialist of the department of educational work and additional education (Karaganda region)
  • Karlygash Mushenova
    Chief specialist of the department of preschool, general secondary education and upbringing (Ulytau region)
  • Serzhangul Ametkyzy
    Methodist of Shu district education department of Zhambyl region
  • Eldar Esbolov
    Manager for Environmental Policy Development of the Sustainable Development Department of «Kazakhmys» Corporation LLP
  • Rumiya Tazitdinova
    Head of the Department of Management and Engineering in the Sphere of Environmental Protection, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Eurasian National University. L.N. Gumilev, PhD in Ecology
  • Abbas Khazaal
    Deputy Director of Canadian International School Astana for the Canadian curriculum
  • Saida Kokusheva
    Student at Canadian International School Astana, environmental activist
Composition of the jury
  • Sarkyt Usenova
    Chief specialist of the department of educational work and additional education (Karaganda region)
  • Karlygash Mushenova
    Chief specialist of the department of preschool, general secondary education and upbringing (Ulytau region)
  • Serzhangul Ametkyzy
    Methodist of Shu district education department of Zhambyl region
  • Eldar Esbolov
    Manager for Environmental Policy Development of the Sustainable Development Department of «Kazakhmys» Corporation LLP
  • Rumiya Tazitdinova
    Head of the Department of Management and Engineering in the Sphere of Environmental Protection, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Eurasian National University. L.N. Gumilev, PhD in Ecology
  • Abbas Khazaal
    Deputy Director of Canadian International School Astana for the Canadian curriculum
  • Saida Kokusheva
    Student at Canadian International School Astana, environmental activist
Nomination of the competition “Ecological Startup”
These could be projects aimed at using the latest technologies for energy saving, recycling of secondary raw materials, landscaping school areas and public places. A prerequisite is that the startup project includes shares in the «EcoVolunteers» direction. These could be projects related to landscaping, cleaning park territory, and improving public areas
Nomination of the competition “Ecological Startup”
These could be projects aimed at using the latest technologies for energy saving, recycling of secondary raw materials, landscaping school areas and public places. A prerequisite is that the startup project includes shares in the «EcoVolunteers» direction. These could be projects related to landscaping, cleaning park territory, and improving public areas
How to apply?
To take part in the competition, you need to fill out the following form:
How to apply?
To take part in the competition, you need to fill out the following form:
"Key points of participation in the project"

Format: online

October 8, 12:00-13:30, Ulytau region
October 8, 16:00-17:30, Shu district of Zhambyl region
October 9, 12:00-13:30, Karaganda region
October 9, 16:00-17:30, Karaganda region


"Key points of participation in the project"

Format: online

October 8, 12:00-13:30

Ulytau region

October 8, 16:00-17:30

Shu district of Zhambyl region

October 9, 12:00-13:30

Karaganda region

October 9, 16:00-17:30

Karaganda region

What is ESG?
Environmental, Social, Governance
is the company's operating principles based on environmental protection, creating favorable social conditions, fair treatment of employees and customers, and sound corporate governance

Companies adhering to ESG principles actively participate in solving environmental problems, implement environmental initiatives and support various eco-projects
What is ESG?
Environmental, Social, Governance
is the company's operating principles based on environmental protection, creating favorable social conditions, fair treatment of employees and customers, and sound corporate governance

Companies adhering to ESG principles actively participate in solving environmental problems, implement environmental initiatives and support various eco-projects

Lecture-training on sustainable development and ESG
As part of the competition, we will hold lectures in the regions:
October 9
Balkhash, A. Ermekov School
October 10
Balkhash, Schoolchildren's Palace
Lecture-training on sustainable development and ESG
As part of the competition, we will hold lectures in the regions:
October 9
Balkhash, A. Ermekov School
October 10
Balkhash, Schoolchildren's Palace
Final and award ceremony
Final presentation and award ceremony:
December 3
Zhezkazgan city
December 6
Shu region
December 9
Balkhash city
December 11
Karaganda city
Final and award ceremony
Final presentation and award ceremony:
December 3
Zhezkazgan city
December 6
Shu region
December 9
Balkhash city
December 11
Karaganda city
Frequently asked questions:
How can I take part in the competition?
To participate in the competition, you must fill out the form on the competition website in the “How to Apply” section.
How many participants can there be in a team?
The team must have 5 members.
Can members of the same team be from different schools?
No, all participants must be from the same school.
How many teams can participate from one school?
Only one team can participate from one school.
What age can the team members be?
All team members must be students in grades 7-10.
Who can be the scientific supervisor of the project?
The scientific supervisor of the project can only be a teacher from the school where the students participating in the project study.
Can the project manager defend the presentation?
No, only students can defend / present a project.
How to choose the direction / topic of the project?
When choosing a direction or topic, you can conduct a brainstorm and determine the strengths of team members. During the brainstorming process, team members can propose topics that interest them and problems in the chosen direction, as well as possible projects that they want to implement as part of the competition.
How to set a project goal?
The project goal can be set using the S.M.A.R.T method. S.M.A.R.T method described in the workshop and glossary, which can be found on the competition website.
What stages might there be in the project?
Stages in a project can be: preparation, initiation (start), planning, execution (implementation), monitoring (control), completion (report). Each stage of the project can combine the most similar tasks or group of tasks, deadlines for completing tasks, and those responsible for completing tasks. This issue with a proposal of examples is covered in the workshop in the sections “Plan” and “Stages and deadlines of the project”.
By what date should I submit my application?
Applications will be accepted until 11:59 p.m. on November 15, 2024.
Do I need to implement the project before the deadline for accepting applications?
The implementation of the project must be completed after the close of applications.
Where can I find information on filling out the application?
Information on how to fill out the application can be found in the video, which is posted on the competition website in the “Workshop” section.
What terms are used in the workshop?
You can find out what the terms used in the workshop mean on the competition website in the “Glossary” section.
When and how will the winners be awarded?
The awards ceremony for the winners of the competition will take place on December 3 in Zhezkazgan, December 6 in Shu, December 9 in Balkhash, and December 11 in Karaganda.
What are the criteria for evaluating projects?
Projects are assessed on a scale from 1 to 10 points according to the following criteria:
- Relevance and environmental significance for the school and the region;
- Student involvement;
- Benefits for school and society;
- Innovative and creative components of the project;
- Economic feasibility and efficiency;
- Quality of presentation and persuasiveness of speech.
What is the maximum budget for the project?
Winning projects can receive charitable assistance of up to 1.5 million tenge for the implementation of the project. Meanwhile, the amount of financing cannot exceed that specified in the application. The organizers reserve the right to increase funding for unique projects.
Can the project budget be greater than the contest budget?
Yes, in this case it is necessary to identify a specific goal from a large project to achieve within the competition budget.
Can a team have two leaders?
The team must have one leader.
Who can I contact for organizational issues?
Head of the organizing committee: Kakenova Shynar – 8 702 891 34 51
Project coordinator: Tatyana Panasenko – 8 707 595 85 20
Scientific consultant: Almanov Gabit – 8 705 116 34 53
Organizing committee:

Shynar Kakenova, +7 702 891 34 51
Tatiana Panasenko, +7 707 595 85 20

Organizing committee:

Shynar Kakenova, +7 702 891 34 51
Tatiana Panasenko, +7 707 595 85 20
